Monday, November 2, 2009

Bringing Gift-Giving Fun Back!

Yes, finally, I am bringing back my hobby of gift-giving. It's November now, so it's time to start the Christmas lists for friends, family, and even more difficult... co-workers!

Because you don't want to spend more than $10 on them, but you need to make them think you put a ton of work into locating the perfect gift. So here's some suggestions:

The Cubicle Doorbell ($12)
Luggage Tags ($10) - cool ones, set of 6
I Heart Office Stickers ($5)
97 Ways to Make a Dog Smile and Woofy Pop ($14)
Office Monkeys ($11)
Awesome cubicle signage ($7 each)
"I'd rather be in my pajamas"
"Poof. My work here is done."
"Impossible you say? Nothing is impossible when you work for the circus."